Homepage Awards, Honors, and Grants 2025 2024 2023 Excellent Performance in Research, School of Computer Science, Peking University Excellent Faculty, School of Computer Science, Peking University 2022 First-Class Award, 1st Co-Winner, Science Award, The Chinese Institute of Electronics ESEC/FSE 2022 Distinguished Reviewer 2021 2020 Co-Advisor of Distinguished Ph.D. Thesis by CCF NASAC Software Innovation Award for Young Researchers ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Advisor, Beijing, for "Question Selection for Interactive Program Synthesis" ICSE 2020 Distinguished Reviewer ESEC/FSE 2020 Distinguished Reviewer Excellent Service at the Department of Computer Science, Peking University 2019 2018 National Award for Technological Invention, First Class, 6th Co-Winner (The highest award on technology innovation in China, the first one in the history of Peking University) Excellent advisor for undergraduate class, Peking University 2017 Special Award, 6th Co-Winner, Technological Innovation Award, The Chinese Institute of Electronics ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award Invitation to journal submission as one of the best papers at Internetware'17 2016 Zeng Xianzhi Award for Outstanding Faculty 2015 The First-Class Award on Scientific and Technological Progress, Ministry of Education (5th Co-Winner) TSE paper was featured on the homepage Invitation to journal submission as one of the best papers at PEPM'15 Microsoft Research Asia Collaboration Award 2014 Young Scientist Fund, 973 Project Key Project (PI in Peking U), National Natural Science Foundation of China Invitation to journal submission as one of the best papers at NASAC'14 2013 The 3rd place in the 1500 meters at Peking University Staff Games Young Researcher Fund, National Natural Science Foundation of China 2012 "Young Talents" plan startup fund 2011 Invitation to journal submission as one of the best papers at MODELS'11 Entry Prize in Google Code Jam 2011 (Ranked 942 worldwide) 2010 Invitation to post-proceedings submission as one of the two best papers at MDI'10 Invitation to journal submission as one of the best papers at ICMT'10 2009 Invitation to post-proceedings submission as one of the two best papers at Models@Runtime'09 Invitation to journal submission as one of the best papers at ICMT'09 Entry Prize in Netease and TopCoder "Youdaonanti" Programming Contest (71/17000) 2008 The Best Team Award of IPL Programming Contest 2008 2007 The Best Team Award of IPL Programming Contest 2007 The Most Valuable Player Award of IPL Programming Contest 2006 Special Scholarship for International Students, University of Tokyo (three years) Tri-A Student of Peking University The 6th in the 400-meter hurdles, PKU Campus Games 2005 Entry Prize in “Baidu Star” National Programming Contest (Top 50) Dean's Award for Study Excellence Canon Scholarship The 5th in the 400-meter hurdles, PKU Campus Games 2004 The People's First-Class Award for Excellent Student "Computer World" Excellent Student Scholarship The Outstanding Student Award in UESTC (The highest award for students in UESTC) Outstanding Graduate Student of Sichuan Province Excellent Graduate Thesis of UESTC Second Prize in Software Contest of Graduate Students in UESTC Class-A in Integrated Quality in Sichuan Province 2003 The People's Special Award for Excellent Student (1%) IBM Excellent Student Scholarship Excellent League Member of UESTC Second Prize in Software Contest of Graduate Students in UESTC Third Prize in “Schoolmates Cup” Programming Contest of UESTC Entry Prize in Microsoft “Imagine Cup” National Software Contest (Top 50) 2002 The People's Special Award for Excellent Student (1%) The Excellent Student Award in Summer Social Practice 2001 The People's Special Award for Excellent Student (1%) Samsung Scholarship Excellent League Member on Campus Second Prize in National College English Contest Second Prize in “Huawei Cup” Student Scientific Innovation Contest of UESTC 1999 First Prize in National Olympiad in Informatics (Sichuan Province) Number of Listed Items: 79