2020年3月31日Question Selection for Interactive Program Synthesis was accepted at PLDI'20. Unlike most existing research studies how computers answer questions from pepople, this paper studies how computers ask questions to people for program synthesis. This is the second paper in our new project on interactive program synthesis/repair, following the ISSRE'19 paper.
I have received the early career award from NSFC. This is a Chinese version of the NSF career award in US, but is only given to researchers under the age of 38 and is very competitive. Among all researchers who mainly work in software engineering in China, only Dan Hao and He Jiang have received this award before.
2018年3月15日Learning to Synthesize was accepted at GI'18. This paper proposes a framework for synthesizing a program that has a high probability in a given context.
2017年5月10日Faster Mutation Analysis via Equivalence Modulo States was accepted at ISSTA'17. Many program analysis tasks require to execute many similar versions of a program, including but not limited to mutation testing, generate-and-validate program repair, mutation-based fault localization, and product line testing. Our approach accelerates these analyses by sharing the redundant executions.
2016年12月13日Precise Condition Synthesis for Program Repair was accepted at ICSE'17. Following our previous attempt in our ASE'15 paper to increase the precision of defect repair (less incorrect patches), in this paper we try to generate precise patches for a more general category of defects: incorrect conditions.
2016年4月2日 We have discovered a mistake in the data presentation of our ICST paper "empirical evaluation of test coverage for functional programs". Unfortuately, it is already too late to update the camera-ready version, so please download the corrected version here. Compared with the published version, Figure 3 and Table II are updated, while all discussions and conclusions are the same.
2015年12月21日 Recently we started a new project on compiler testing. The ICSE'16 paper presents an empirical comparison of the mainstream compiler testing techniques, where we used a new method to measure test effectiveness to make the comparison possible. The ICST'16 paper presents a low-cost test prioritization approach that has the potential of accelerating compiler testing, even for the non-regressional cases.
2015年12月1日 As a member of a big team on software-defined cloud management, I received the the First-Class Award on Scientific and Technological Progress, Ministry of Education, one of the most pretigeous award from Ministry fo Education, China.
2015年7月19日Fixing Recurring Crash Bugs via Analyzing Q&A Sites was accepted at ASE'15. Within our knowledge, this is the first paper that leverages Internet resources to fix bugs. Our approach achieved high accuracy in producing correct patches, successfully avoiding the over-fitting problem in automatic bug repair.
2015年7月2日Inner Oracles: Input-Specific Assertions on Internal States was accepted at the new idea track of ESEC/FSE'15. In this paper, we propose the novel concept of inner oracle, which asserts the inner state of one test case. We believe inner oracles are useful in many testing scenarios.
2014年7月2日 Recently I started to work on problems in testing and debugging of general programs, and here are two new papers. The ICSME'14 paper is about the automatic association of bug reports to source files, reporting two new heuristics to improve the accuracy of existing techniques. The ASE'14 paper reports the first approach to automatically inferring metamorphic relations from programs.
2013年8月1日 Our project proposal on improving the quality of safety-critical software system has been approved. This five year project is supported by the young scientist fund under the national basic research program, and I am the principal investigator. The young scientist fund under the national basic research program is one of the most competitive fund for young scientists in China. Every year only 1~3 projects are granted in the area of computer science. Our project is the first one in the area of software development.
2013年5月30日 Our paper about priority-based fixing was accepted at SPLC 2013. This work enhances our ICSE'12 work about range fix, reducing the number of options presented to the user by inferring implicit priorities from user interactions.
2013年4月12日 Our empirical study on web API evolution was accepted at ICWS 2013. This is the first step of our new project on web API evolution, which, hopefully, will eventually make it easier to migrate clients for API update.
2012年4月18日 I have joined Peking University faculty as an assistant professor under the "Young talents plan". This is a newly-designed position to match the tenure-track system used in North America.
2012年1月27日Generating Range Fixes for Software Configuration was accepted at ICSE'12. This paper proposes a new type of fix, range fix, to handle the inconsistency fixing problem arised from our survey. An automated algorithm for generating range fix is also given. In the sense of general inconsistency handling, range fixes introduce an interative fixing process to resolving inconsistencies, which is a complement of our existing work on fully automatic fixing.
2011年11月30日 I have finished my postdoc and left University of Waterloo. Now I temporarily work as an indepent researcher while waiting for a new job offer.
2011年9月29日 We have conducted an online survey about what challenges are faced by the users of modern configuration tools. The result was published here as a technical report.
2011年7月25日 I will serve as a PC member of BX 2012. Please consider submitting a papper.
2011年1月5日Synchronizing concurrent model updates based on bidirectional transformation was accepted at Software and Systems Modeling and is available online. This is an extended version of our ICMT'09 paper. This version adds discussion on history ignorance law and connects it with constant complement. I recommend to read even if you have read the conference version.
2009年9月28日 I have graduated from the University of Tokyo. My thesis is available here.
2009年9月17日 We have released a library for helping integrate the Haskell-based synchronizer into Java projects. Please refer to here for more information.
2009年7月1日 A new paper describing the upcoming Beanbag 1.0 language was accepted by ESEC/FSE'09.
2009年4月30日 Atenea group has released reSynch, a UML synchronization tool developed using Beanbag. Visit here for more information.
2009年3月16日 Beanbag 0.2.1 has released. Added an output to the sync command and the resync command to show only effective update on the data. Also fixed a bug with incremental synchronization.
2008年12月12日 We have published a technical report about the Beanbag language.
2008年11月11日 Our ATL-based synchronization tool has been named as SyncATL.
2008年9月30日 We have released a new version of Beanbag. The new version includes a new and easy-to-write Beanbag language, an interactive console and two example programs.
2008年9月5日 Our on-site synchronization project has been named as Beanbag. This name comes from a Japanese traditional game of the same name where the players tries to keep several beanbag consistent within a short time constraint.