
论文(按年排列) (按类型排列)



[CIE24] 张昕, 王冠成, 吴宜谦, 陈逸凡, 李天驰, 张羿凡, 熊英飞*. 贝叶斯程序分析. 电子学报,第52卷第4期, 2024年4月. [全文] 特邀投稿
[TSE24] 肖元安, 杨晨阳, 王博, 熊英飞*. Accelerating Patch Validation for Program Repair with Interception-Based Execution Scheduling. TSE: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Online First, 2024年1月. [全文]
[TOPLAS24] 吉如一, 赵雨薇, 熊英飞*, 王迪, 张路, 胡振江. Decomposition-Based Synthesis for Applying D&C-Like Algorithmic Paradigms. TOPLAS: ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Accepted, 2024年1月. [全文]

International Conference - Research Track

[FM24] 孙奕灿, 吉如一, 房建, 蒋轩林, 陈明帅, 熊英飞*. Proving Functional Program Equivalence via Directed Lemma Synthesis. FM'24: 26th International Symposium on Formal Methods, 2024年9月. [全文]
[PLDI24] 吉如一, 赵雨薇, Nadia Polikarpova, 熊英飞*, 胡振江. Superfusion: Eliminating Intermediate Data Structures via Inductive Synthesis. PLDI'24: ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2024年6月. [全文][Online Demo]
[ICSE24] 朱琪豪, 梁清源, 孙泽宇, 熊英飞*, 张路, 程圣宇. GrammarT5: Grammar-Integrated Pretrained Encoder-Decoder Neural Model for Code. ICSE'24: 46th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2024年4月. [全文]

International Conference - Other Track

[FSE24DEMO] 张钊, 孙奕灿, 吉如一, 李思源, 彭轩宇, 黄柘铳, 李思哲, 祝天然, 熊英飞*. ASAC: A Benchmark for Algorithm Synthesis. FSE'24-Demo: The ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Tool Demonstration Track, 2024年9月. [全文]


[APR-C24] 肖元安, 朱琪豪, 熊英飞*. The ET Program Repair Tool for Java. APR-Comp: The first international competition for Automated Program Repair, 2024年2月. [全文]

Technical Reports

[arXiv24] Daya Guo#, 朱琪豪#, Dejian Yang, Zhenda Xie, Kai Dong, Wentao Zhang, Guanting Chen, Xiao Bi, Y. Wu, Y.K. Li, Fuli Luo, 熊英飞, Wenfeng Liang. DeepSeek-Coder: When the Large Language Model Meets Programming - The Rise of Code Intelligence. arXiv:2401.14196, 2024年1月. [全文]



[CJC23] 孙泽宇*, 张洁, 熊英飞, 郝丹, 张路. 基于同位替换的深度程序生成模型测试及修复方法. 计算机学报,第46卷第10期, 2023年10月. [全文]
[SCIS22a] 熊英飞#*, 田永强#*, 刘烨庞#*, 張成志#*. Toward Actionable Testing of Deep Learning Models. Science China, Information Sciences, Volume 66, Issue 7:176101, Accepted at 2022-08-30, 2023年6月. [全文][DOI]

International Conference - Research Track

[OOPSLA23b] 孙奕灿, 彭轩宇, 熊英飞*. Synthesizing Efficient Memoization Algorithms. OOPSLA'23: Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications, 2023年10月. [全文]
[OOPSLA23a] 吉如一, 孔朝哲, 熊英飞*, 胡振江. Improving Oracle-Guided Inductive Synthesis by Efficient Question Selection. OOPSLA'23: Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications, 2023年10月. [全文]
[ISSRE23] 王冠成, 吴宜谦, 朱琪豪, 熊英飞*, 张昕, 张路. A Probabilistic Delta Debugging Approach for Abstract Syntax Trees. ISSRE'23: the 34th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, 2023年9月. [全文]
[ASE23] 张文杰, 王冠成, 陈俊洁, 熊英飞, 刘勇, 张路*. OrdinalFix: Fixing Compilation Errors via Shortest-Path CFL Reachability with Attribute Checking. ASE'23: 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2023年9月.
[ICSE23a] 朱琪豪, 孙泽宇, 张文杰, 熊英飞*, 张路. Tare: Type-Aware Neural Program Repair. ICSE'23: 45th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2023年5月. [全文]
[ICSE23b] 李林翼, 张煜皓, 任路遥, 熊英飞, 谢涛*. Reliability Assurance for Deep Neural Network Architectures Against Numerical Defects. ICSE'23: 45th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2023年5月.

International Conference - Other Track

[ASE23Demo] 肖元安, 杨晨阳, 王博, 熊英飞*. ExpressAPR: Efficient Patch Validation for Java Automated Program Repair Systems. ASE'23-Demo: 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Tool Demo Track, 2023年9月. [全文][工具]



[SCIS22b] 梁清源, 朱琪豪, 孙泽宇, 张路*, 张文杰, 熊英飞, 梁广泰, 郁莲. 基于深度学习的SQL生成研究综述. 中国科学:信息科学,52:1363-1392, 2022年8月.
[TOSEM22] 熊英飞, 王博. L2S: a Framework for Synthesizing the Most Probable Program under a Specification. TOSEM: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Volume 31, Issue 3, pp 1-45, 2022年7月. [全文]

International Conference - Research Track

[OOPSLA22] 邹达明, 顾宇晨, 石元峰, Mingzhe Wang, 熊英飞, 苏振东. Oracle-Free Repair Synthesis for Floating-Point Programs. OOPSLA'22: the OOPSLA issue of the Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL), 2022年12月. [全文]
[ASE22] 张云帆, 朱睿冬, 熊英飞*, 谢涛. Efficient Synthesis of Method Call Sequences for Test Generation and Bounded Verification. ASE'22: 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2022年10月. [全文]
[IJCAI22a] 朱琪豪, 孙泽宇, 张文杰, 熊英飞*, 张路. Grape: Grammar Preserving Rule Embedding. IJCAI'22: 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2022年7月. [全文]
[IJCAI22b] 梁清源, 孙泽宇, 朱琪豪, 张文杰, 郁莲, 熊英飞, 张路*. Lyra: A Benchmark for Turducken-Style Code Generation. IJCAI'22: 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2022年7月. [全文]
[ICSE22a] 曾沐焓#, 吴宜谦#, 叶振涛, 熊英飞*, 张昕, 张路. Fault Localization via Efficient Probabilistic Modeling of Program Semantics. ICSE'22: 44th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2022年5月. [全文]
[ICSE22b] 孙泽宇, 张洁*, 熊英飞, Mark Harman, Mike Papadakis, 张路. Improving Machine Translation Systems via Isotopic Replacement. ICSE'22: 44th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2022年5月. [全文]
[AAAI22] 孙泽宇, 张文杰, 牟力立, 朱琪豪, 熊英飞, 张路. Preferential Labeling for Unattributed Node Classification in GNNs. AAAI'22: 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2022年2月. [全文]


International Conference - Research Track

[ASE21] 王博#, 卢思睿#, 熊英飞*, 刘峰. Faster Mutation Analysis with Fewer Processes and Smaller Overheads. ASE'21: 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2021年11月. [全文]
[OOPSLA21] 吉如一, 夏景涛, 熊英飞*, 胡振江. Generalizable Synthesis Through Unification. OOPSLA'21: Object Oriented Programming Languages, Systems and Applications, 2021年10月. [全文]
[SAS21] 陈逸凡, 杨晨阳, 张昕*, 熊英飞, 唐浩, 王啸吟, 张路. Accelerating Program Analyses in Datalog by Merging Library Facts. SAS'21: International Static Analysis Symposium, 2021年10月. [全文]
[ICSME21] 梁晶晶, 吉如一, 姜佳君, 周抒睿, 娄一翎, 熊英飞*, 黄罡. Interactive Patch Filtering as Debugging Aid. ICSME'21: 37th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2021年9月. [全文] IEEE TCSE杰出论文奖
[FSE21b] 朱琪豪, 孙泽宇, 肖元安, 张文杰, 袁康, 熊英飞*, 张路. A Syntax-Guided Edit Decoder for Neural Program Repair. ESEC/FSE'21: ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2021年8月. [数据更新版本] ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖提名
[FSE21a] 王冠成#, 沈若冰#, 陈俊洁, 熊英飞*, 张路. Probabilistic Delta Debugging. ESEC/FSE'21: ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2021年8月. [全文] ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖
[ICST21] 李夏, 姜佳君*, Samuel Benton, 熊英飞, 张令明. A Large-scale Study on API Misuses in the Wild. ICST'21: IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, 2021年4月.



[JOS20b] 姜佳君, 陈俊洁*, 熊英飞. 软件缺陷自动修复技术综述. 软件学报,已接收, 2020年12月.
[TOSEM20] 高祥, 王博*, Gregory J. Duck, 吉如一, 熊英飞, Abhik Roychoudhury. Beyond Tests: Program Vulnerability Repair via Crash Constraint Extraction. TOSEM: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2020年8月.
[JOS20] 王博, 卢思睿, 姜佳君, 熊英飞*. 基于动态分析的软件不变量综合技术. 软件学报, 31(6):1681−1702, 2020年6月. [全文]

International Conference - Research Track

[OOPSLA20] 吉如一, 孙奕灿, 熊英飞*, 胡振江. Guiding Dynamic Programming via Structural Probability for Accelerating Programming by Example. OOPSLA'20: Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications 2020, 2020年11月. [全文][视频(国内)][视频(海外)]
[FSE20] 张煜皓, 任路遥, 陈立前, 熊英飞*, 張成志, 谢涛. Detecting Numerical Bugs in Neural Network Architectures. ESEC/FSE'20: ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2020年11月. [全文][视频(国内)][视频(海外)] ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖
[ASE20] 朱琪豪, 孙泽宇, 梁汐然, 熊英飞*, 张路. OCoR: An Overalpping-Aware Code Retriever. ASE'20: 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2020年9月. [全文]
[IJCAI20] 张文杰, 孙泽宇, 朱琪豪, 李戈, 蔡少伟, 熊英飞, 张路*. NLocalSAT: Boosting Local Search with Solution Prediction. IJCAI'20: 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020年7月. [全文]
[PLDI20] 吉如一, 梁晶晶, 熊英飞*, 张路, 胡振江. Question Selection for Interactive Program Synthesis. PLDI'20: 41st ACM-SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2020年6月. [全文][视频(国内)][视频(海外)]
[SANER20] 张兆旭#, 朱恒成#, 文明, Yida Tao, 刘烨庞*, 熊英飞. How Do Python Framework APIs Evolve? An Exploratory Study. SANER'20: 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, 2020年2月.
[AAAI20] 孙泽宇, 朱琪豪, 熊英飞*, 孙奕灿, 牟力立, 张路. TreeGen: A Tree-Based Transformer Architecture for Code Generation. AAAI'20: Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020年1月. [全文] 口头报告
[POPL20] 邹达明, 曾沐焓, 熊英飞*, Zhoulai Fu, 张路, 苏振东. Detecting Floating-Point Errors via Atomic Conditions. POPL'20: 47th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States , 2020年1月. [全文][视频(国内)][视频(海外)]

International Conference - Other Track

[FSE20-ITb] 姜佳君, Weihai Lu, 陈俊洁, 林庆维, Pu Zhao, Yu Kang, 张洪宇, 熊英飞, Feng Gao, Zhangwei Xu, 党映农, 张冬梅. How to Mitigate the Incident? An Effective Troubleshooting Guide Recommendation Technique for Online Service Systems. ESEC/FSE'20: ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Industrial Track, 2020年9月.
[FSE20-ITa] 王杰, Yunguang Wu, Gang Zhou, Yiming Yu, Zhenyu Guo, 熊英飞. Scaling Static Taint Analysis to Industrial SOA Applications: A Case Study at Alibaba. ESEC/FSE'20: ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Industrial Track, 2020年9月.



[CSUR19] 陈俊洁, Jibesh Patra, Michael Pradel, 熊英飞*, 张洪宇, 郝丹*, 张路. A Survey of Compiler Testing. ACM Computing Surveys, 2019年9月. [全文]
[SCIS19c] 陈俊洁, 胡文翔, 郝丹*, 熊英飞, 张洪宇, 张路. 一种静态的编译器重复缺陷报告识别方法. 中国科学:信息科学, 2019年9月. [全文][DOI]
[TR19] 黄袁, Xinyu Hu, Nan Jia, 陈湘萍*, 熊英飞, 郑子彬. Learning Code Context Information to Predict Comment Locations. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Early Access, 2019年8月. [DOI]
[SCIS19b] 姜佳君, 熊英飞*, 夏鑫. A Manual Inspection Of Defects4j Bugs And Its Implications For Automatic Program Repair. Science China Information Sciences, Online First, 2019年8月. [全文]
[SCIS19a] Abhik Roychoudhury#*, 熊英飞#*. Automated Program Repair: A Step towards Software Automation. Science China Information Sciences, Online First, 2019年8月. [全文] 特邀投稿
[TSE19] 邹达明, 梁晶晶, 熊英飞*, Michael Ernst, 张路. An Empirical Study of Fault Localization Families and Their Combinations. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Online First, 2019年1月. [全文][DOI][Tool]

International Conference - Research Track

[ASE19a] 姜佳君, 任路遥, 熊英飞*, 张令明. Inferring Program Transformations From Singular Examples via Big Code. ASE'19: 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, San Diego, California, United States , 2019年11月. [全文]
[ASE19b] 陈俊洁, 王冠成, 郝丹*, 熊英飞*, 张洪宇, 张路. History-Guided Configuration Diversification for Compiler Test-Program Generation. ASE'19: 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, San Diego, California, United States , 2019年11月. [全文] ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖
[ASE19c] 姜佳君, 王然, 熊英飞*, 陈湘萍, 张路. Combining Spectrum-Based Fault Localization and Statistical Debugging: An Empirical Study. ASE'19: 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, San Diego, California, United States , 2019年11月. [全文]
[ISSRE19] 梁晶晶, 侯耀宗, 周抒睿, 陈俊洁, 熊英飞*, 黄罡. How to Explain a Patch: An Empirical Study of Patch Explanations in Open Source Projects. ISSRE'19: The 30th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Berlin, Germany, 2019年10月. [全文]
[AAAI19] 孙泽宇, 朱琪豪, 牟力立, 熊英飞*, 李戈, 张路. A Grammar-Based Structural CNN Decoder for Code Generation. AAAI'19: Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019年1月. [全文][量子位][机器之心]



[TSE18] 陈俊洁, 王冠成, 郝丹*, 熊英飞, 张洪宇, 张路, 谢冰. Coverage Prediction for Accelerating Compiler Testing. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Online First, 2018年12月. [全文][DOI]
[JOS18] 张健*, 张超, 玄跻峰, 熊英飞, 王千祥, 梁彬, 李炼, 窦文生, 陈振邦, 陈立前, 蔡彦. 程序分析研究进展. 软件学报, 2018年10月.

International Conference - Research Track

[ICSME18] 悦茹茹, 郜哲, 孟娜, 熊英飞*, 王啸吟, David Morgenthaler. Automatic Clone Recommendation for Refactoring Based on the Present and the Past . ICSME'18: 34th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2018年9月. [全文]
[ISSTA18a] 姜佳君, 熊英飞*, 张洪宇, 高庆, 陈向群. Shaping Program Repair Space with Existing Patches and Similar Code. ISSTA'18: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, 2018年7月. [全文][Tool:SimFix]
[ISSTA18b] 张煜皓, 陈逸凡, 張成志, 熊英飞*, 张路. An Empirical Study on TensorFlow Program Bugs. ISSTA'18: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, 2018年7月. [全文]
[ICSE18a] 熊英飞, 刘鑫远#, 曾沐焓#, 张路*, 黄罡. Identifying Patch Correctness in Test-Based Program Repair. ICSE'18: 40th International Conference on Software Engineering, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018年5月. [全文][Long Version][Slides]
[ICSE18b] 周抒睿, Ştefan Stănciulescu, Olaf Leßenich, 熊英飞, Andrzej Wąsowski, Christian Kästner. Identifying Features in Forks. ICSE'18: 40th International Conference on Software Engineering, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018年5月. [全文]


[GI18] 熊英飞, 王博, 伏贵荣, 臧琳飞. Learning to Synthesize. GI'18: Genetic Improvment Workshop, 2018年5月. [全文]



[JOS17] 黄袁, 刘志勇, 陈湘萍*, 熊英飞, 罗笑南. 基于关键类判定的代码提交理解辅助方法. 软件学报, 28(6), 2017年2月. [全文]

International Conference - Research Track

[Interwa17] 成羽丰, 王萌, 熊英飞*, 吴争锴, 吴逸鸣, 张路. Un-preprocessing: Extended CPP that works with your tools. Internetware'17: 9th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware, Shanghai, China, pages 21-30, 2017年9月. [全文] 被邀请投稿到期刊
[ESEM17] 黄袁, Qiaoyang Zheng, 陈湘萍*, 熊英飞, 刘志勇, 罗笑南. Mining Version Control System for Automatically Generating Commit Comment. ESEM'17: 11th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, Toronto, Canada, 2017年8月.
[ISSTA17] 王博, 熊英飞*, 史杨勍惟, 张路, 郝丹. Faster Mutation Analysis via Equivalence Modulo States. ISSTA'17: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, pages 295-306, 2017年7月. [全文][胶片][CoRR Version] ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖
[ICSE17a] 熊英飞, 王杰, 严润发, 章嘉晨, 韩石, 黄罡*, 张路. Precise Condition Synthesis for Program Repair. ICSE'17: 39th International Conference on Software Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017年5月. [全文][胶片][工具][技术报告版本(较长)][软工研究与实践][AI头条][微软研究院博客][量子位][机器之心]
[ICSE17b] 陈俊洁, 白彦威, 郝丹#, 熊英飞#*, 张洪宇#, 谢冰. Learning to Prioritize Test Programs for Compiler Testing. ICSE'17: 39th International Conference on Software Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017年5月. [全文]
[ESOP17] 唐浩, 王迪, 熊英飞*, 张令明, 王啸吟, 张路. Conditional Dyck-CFL Reachability Analysis for Complete and Efficient Library Summarization. ESOP'17: 26th European Symposium on Programming, Uppsala, Sweden, 2017年4月. [全文][工具]



[TSC16] 黄罡, 刘譞哲*, 陆璇, 马郓, 张颖, 熊英飞. Programming Situational Mobile Web Applications with Cloud-Mobile Convergence: An Internetware-Oriented Approach. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Online First, 2016年7月.
[JCRD16] 武义涵, 黄罡, 张颖, 熊英飞. 一种基于模型的云计算容错机制开发方法. 计算机研究与发展(黄罡老师优青特邀论文),第53卷,第1期, 2016年6月.
[SciChina16] 高庆, 李军, 熊英飞*, 郝丹, 肖旭生, Kunal Taneja, 张路, 谢涛. High-confidence software evolution. Science China Information Sciences, 59:071101, 2016年6月. [全文][DOI]

International Conference - Research Track

[FSE16] 王然, 邹达明, 贺心蕊, 熊英飞*, 张路, 黄罡. Detecting and Fixing Precision-Specific Operations for Measuring Floating-Point Errors. FSE'16: 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, pp. 619-630, Seatle, WA, USA, 2016年11月. [全文][源码和数据][软工研究与实践]
[ECOOP16] 汪成龙#, 姜佳君#, 李军#, 熊英飞*, 罗翔宇, 张路, 胡振江. Transforming programs between APIs with Many-to-Many Mappings. ECOOP'16: 30th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, pp. 25:1-25:26, Rome, Italy, 2016年7月. [全文][工具]
[ICSE16] 陈俊洁, 胡文翔, 郝丹#*, 熊英飞#, 张洪宇#, 张路, 谢冰. An Empirical Comparison of Compiler Testing Techniques. ICSE'16: 38th International Conference on Software Engineering, pp. 180-190, Austin, Texas, USA, 2016年5月. [全文][实验数据][软工研究与实践]
[ICST16a] 成羽丰, 王萌, 熊英飞*, 郝丹, 张路. Empirical Evaluation of Test Coverage for Functional Programs. ICST'16: IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verificationa and Validation (the posted version corrects some data representation errors in the published version), pp. 255-265, Chicago, IL, USA, 2016年4月. [错误更正版][实验数据]
[ICST16b] 陈俊洁, 白彦威, 郝丹#*, 熊英飞#, 张洪宇#, 张路, 谢冰. Test Case Prioritization for Compilers: a Text-Vector Based Approach. ICST'16: IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verificationa and Validation, pp. 266-277, Chicago, IL, USA, 2016年4月. [全文]



[TSE15] 熊英飞, 张汉生, Arnaud Hubaux, Steven She, 王杰, Krzysztof Czarnecki. Range Fixes: Interactive Error Resolution for Software Configuration. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Volume 41, Issue 6, pages 603-619, 2015年6月. [全文][DOI] Featured on the Homepage

International Conference - Research Track

[ASE15] 高庆, 张汉生, 王杰, 熊英飞*, 张路, 梅宏. Fixing Recurring Crash Bugs via Analyzing Q&A Sites. ASE'15: 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, pages 307-318, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, 2015年11月. [全文][工具]
[ICSE15b] 邹达明, 王然, 熊英飞*, 张路, 苏振东, 梅宏. A Genetic Algorithm for Detecting Significant Floating-Point Inaccuracies. ICSE'15: 37th International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 529-539, Florence, Italy, 2015年5月. [全文][实验数据] ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖入围
[ICSE15a] 高庆, 熊英飞*, 米亚晴, 张路, 杨纬坤, 周钊平, 谢冰, 梅宏. Safe Memory-Leak Fixing for C Programs. ICSE'15: 37th International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 459-470, Florence, Italy, 2015年5月. [全文][工具]

International Conference - Other Track

[FSE15-NIER] 熊英飞, 郝丹, 张路, 祝韬, 朱沐尧, 兰天. Inner Oracles: Input-Specific Assertions on Internal States. ESEC/FSE'15-NIER: New Idea Track at 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 902-905, Bergamo, Italy, 2015年8月. [全文][胶片][工具]


[PEPM15] 李军#, 汪成龙#, 熊英飞, 胡振江. SWIN: Towards Type-Safe Java Program Adaptation between APIs. In PEPM'15: Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation Workshop, pages 91-102, Mumbai, India, 2015年1月. [全文][工具] 被邀请投稿到期刊



[FCST14] 吴阳怿, 吴逸鸣, 熊英飞*. 基于上下文无关文法的可逆变换模型. 计算机科学与探索, 2015 9(7):793-802, 提前在线公开, 2014年12月.  特邀投稿
[JCST14b] 谢涛*, 张路, 肖旭生, 熊英飞, 郝丹. Cooperative Software Testing and Analysis: Advances and Challenges. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Volume 29, Issue 4, pp 713-723, 2014年7月. [DOI]
[JCST14a] 王波, 熊英飞, 胡振江*, 赵海燕, 张伟, 梅宏. Interactive Inconsistency Fixing in Feature Modeling. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Volume 29, Issue 4, pp 724-736, 2014年7月. [DOI]

International Conference - Research Track

[Interwa14] 武义涵, 宋晖, 熊英飞, 郑子彬, 张颖, 黄罡. Model Defined Fault Tolerance in Cloud. In Internetware'14: the Sixth Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware, pages 116-119, Hong Kong, China, 2014年11月.
[ASE14] 张洁, 陈俊洁, 郝丹, 熊英飞, 谢冰*, 张路, 梅宏. Search-Based Inference of Polynomial Metamorphic Relations. In ASE'14: 29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, pp 701-712, Vasteras, Sweden, 2014年9月. [全文]
[ICSME14] 黄柱彬, 熊英飞, 张洪宇, 郝丹, 张路, 梅宏. Boosting Bug-Report-Oriented Fault Localization with Segmentation and Stack-Trace Analysis. In ICSME'14: 30th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, pages 181-190, Victoria, Canada, 2014年9月. [全文][胶片]

Domestic Conference

[NASAC14] 吴阳怿, 吴逸鸣, 熊英飞*. 基于上下文无关文法的可逆变换模型. 第十三届全国软件与应用学术会议(NASAC2014), 桂林,广西, 2014年11月. [全文] 被邀请投稿到期刊



[FCSC12] 王波, 胡振江, 孙强, 赵海燕*, 熊英飞, 张伟, 梅宏. Supporting Feature Model Refinement with Updatable View. Frontiers of Computer Science in China, Vol 7, Issue 2, pp 257-271, 2013年4月. [DOI]
[SOSYM13a] Moisés Castelo Branco*, 熊英飞*, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Jochen Küster#, Hagen Völzer#. A Case Study on Consistency Management of Business and IT Process Models in Banking. Software and Systems Modeling, Springer. Online First, 2013年3月. [全文][DOI]
[SOSYM13b] Frank Hermann*, Hartmut Ehrig, Fernando Orejas, Krzysztof Czarnecki#, Zinovy Diskin#, 熊英飞#*. Model Synchronization Based on Triple Graph Grammars: Correctness, Completeness and Invertibility. Software and Systems Modeling, Springer. Online First, 2013年1月. [全文][DOI] 特邀投稿

International Conference - Research Track

[SPLC13] 王波, Leonardo Passos, 熊英飞*, Krzysztof Czarnecki, 赵海燕, 张伟. SmartFixer: Fixing Software Configurations based on Self-adaptive Priorities. In SPLC'13: Proceedings of 17th International Software Product Line Conference, pp. 257-271, Tokyo, Japan, 2013年8月. [全文][胶片]

International Conference - Other Track

[ICWS13] 李军, 熊英飞, 刘譞哲, 张路. How Does Web Service API Evolution Affect Clients?. In ICWS'13: Proceedings of IEEE 20th International Conference on Web Service (Application & Experience Track), pp 300-307, Santa Clara, CA, USA, 2013年6月. [全文]


[MRT13] 武义涵, 张颖, 熊英飞, 张晓东, 黄罡. Towards RSA-Based High Availability Configuration in Cloud. In MRT'13: 8th International Workshop on Models at Run.time, Austin, Texas, USA, 2013年9月. [全文]


International Conference - Research Track

[FSE12] 王啸吟, 张路*, 谢涛, 熊英飞, 梅宏. Automating Presentation Changes in Dynamic Web Applications via Collaborative Hybrid Analysis. In FSE'12: 20th International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 16:1-16:11, 2012年11月. [全文][胶片]
[ICSM12] 宋晖, 黄罡*, 熊英飞, 孙艳春. Inferring the Data Access from the Clients of Generic APIs. In ICSM'12: 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, pages 388--397, Riva del Garda, Italy, 2012年9月. [全文]
[ICSE12] 熊英飞, Arnaud Hubaux, Steven She, Krzysztof Czarnecki. Generating Range Fixes for Software Configuration. In ICSE'12: Proceedings of 34th International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 89-99, Zurich, Switzerland, 2012年6月. [全文][胶片][Teaser Video (Download)][Teaser Video (Online)]


[VaMoS12] Arnaud Hubaux, 熊英飞, Krzysztof Czarnecki. A User Survey of Configuration Challenges in Linux and eCos. VaMoS'12: Sixth International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems, 2012年1月. [Link]



[JOT11] Zinovy Diskin#, 熊英飞#, Krzysztof Czarnecki. From State- to Delta-Based Bidirectional Model Transformations: the Asymmetric Case. Journal of Object Technology, Volume 10, pp. 6:1-25, 2011年6月. [DOI] 特邀投稿
[JSS10] 宋晖, 黄罡, Franck Chauvel, 熊英飞, 胡振江, 孙艳春, 梅宏. Supporting Runtime Software Architecture: A Bidirectional-Transformation-Based Approach. Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 84, Issue 5, Pages 711-723, Elsevier, 2011年5月. [DOI]
[SoSym11] 熊英飞, 宋晖, 胡振江, 武市正人. Synchronizing Concurrent Model Updates Based on Bidirectional Transformation. Software and Systems Modeling, Springer. Online First, 2011年1月. [DOI] 特邀投稿

International Conference - Research Track

[MODELS11a] Zinovy Diskin#, 熊英飞#, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Hartmut Ehrig#, Frank Hermann#, Fernando Orejas#. From State- to Delta-based Bidirectional Model Transformations: the Symmetric Case. MODELS'11: ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, pages 304-318, 2011年10月. [全文] MODELS最有影响力论文奖
[MODELS11b] Frank Hermann, Hartmut Ehrig, Fernando Orejas, Krzysztof Czarnecki#, Zinovy Diskin#, 熊英飞#. Correctness of Model Synchronization Based on Triple Graph Grammars. MODELS'11: ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, pages 668-682, 2011年10月. [全文] 被邀请投稿到期刊


[FOSD11] Leonardo Passos#, Marko Novakovic#, 熊英飞, Thorsten Berger, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Andrzej Wąsowski. A Study of Non-Boolean Constraints in Variability Models of an Embedded Operating System. FOSD'11: 3rd International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development, 2011年6月. [Link]

Technical Reports

[GSDTR11a] 熊英飞, Arnaud Hubaux, Steven She, Krzysztof Czarnecki. Generating Range Fixes for Software Configuration. Technical Report GSDLAB-TR 2011-10-27, Generative Software Development Laboratory, University of Waterloo, 2011年10月. [全文]
[GSDTR11d] Arnaud Hubaux, 熊英飞, Krzysztof Czarnecki. Configuration Challenges in Linux and eCos: A Survey. Technical Report, GSDLAB-TR 2011-09-29, 2011年9月. [全文]
[GSDTR11b] 熊英飞. Configurator Semantics of the CDL Language. Technical Report GSDLAB-TR 2011-06-05, Generative Software Development Laboratory, University of Waterloo, 2011年6月. [Link]
[GSDTR11c] Zinovy Diskin#, 熊英飞#, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Hartmut Ehrig#, Frank Hermann#, Fernando Orejas#. From State- to Delta-based Bidirectional Model Transformations: the Symmetric Case. Technical Report GSDLAB-TR 2011-05-03, Generative Software Development Laboratory, University of Waterloo, 2011年5月. [Link]


International Conference - Research Track

[MODELS10a] 宋晖, 黄罡, 熊英飞, Franck Chauvel, 孙艳春, 梅宏. Inferring Meta-Models for Runtime System Data from the Clients of Management APIs. In MODELS'10: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Part II, 168-182, 2010年10月. [全文]
[MODELS10b] 王波, 熊英飞, 胡振江, 赵海燕, 张伟, 梅宏. A Dynamic-Priority based Approach to Fixing Inconsistent Feature Models. In MODELS'10: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Part I, 181-195, 2010年10月. [全文][胶片]
[ICMT10] Zinovy Diskin#, 熊英飞#, Krzysztof Czarnecki. From State- to Delta-Based Bidirectional Model Transformations. In ICMT'10: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Model Transformation, pages 61-76, 2010年6月. [全文][胶片] 被邀请投稿到期刊


[MDI10] Zinovy Diskin#, 熊英飞#, Krzysztof Czarnecki. Specifying Overlaps of Heterogeneous Models for Global Consistency Checking. In MDI'10: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Model Driven Interoperability, pages 42-51, 2010年10月. [全文][胶片] 邀请到后期论文集
[LWI10] 王波, 胡振江, 熊英飞, 赵海燕, 张伟, 梅宏. Tolerating Inconsistency in Feature Models. In LWI'10: Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Living With Inconsistency in Software Development, pages 15-20, 2010年9月. [全文]


International Conference - Research Track

[FSE09] 熊英飞, 胡振江, 赵海燕, 宋晖, 武市正人, 梅宏. Supporting Automatic Model Inconsistency Fixing. In ESEC/FSE'09: Proceedings of 7th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 315-324, 2009年8月. [全文][胶片][Bib]
[ICMT09] 熊英飞, 宋晖, 胡振江, 武市正人. Supporting Parallel Updates with Bidirectional Model Transformations. In ICMT'09: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Model Transformation, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, pages 213-228, 2009年6月. [全文][胶片][Bib] 被邀请投稿到期刊

Domestic Conference

[SES09] 熊英飞, 胡振江, 赵海燕, 宋晖, 武市正人, 梅宏. Beanbag: A Language for Automatic Model Inconsistency Fixing. ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2009(SES2009), ポスター展示, 東京女子大学, pp 189, 2009年9月. [全文][Poster]


[MRT09] 宋晖, 熊英飞, Franck Chauvel, 黄罡, 胡振江, 梅宏. Generating Synchronization Engines between Running Systems and Their Model-Based Views. In Models@run.time'09: Models in Software Engineering, Workshops and Symposia at MODELS 2009, Denver, CO, USA, October 4-9, 2009, Reports and Revised Selected Papers, page 140-154, 2009年10月. [Post-Proceeding Version][Proceeding Version] 邀请到后期论文集
[AWFS09] 熊英飞, 宋晖, 胡振江, 武市正人. From Bidirectional Model Transformation to Model Synchronization. In AWFS'09: Proceedings of the Sixth Asian Workshop on Foundations of Software, Tokyo, Japan, pages 56-65, 2009年4月. [全文]


[PhDThesis] 熊英飞. A Language-based Approach to Model Synchronization in Software Engineering. 東京大学数理情報学専攻博士論文, 2009年9月. [全文]


Domestic Conference

[JSSST08] 熊英飞, 胡振江, 宋晖, 武市正人, 赵海燕, 梅宏. On-Site Synchronizers for Multi-View Applications. 日本ソフトウェア科学会第25回大会, 筑波大学東京キャンパス, 3C-2, 2008年9月. [全文][胶片]


[QoP08] 俞一峻, 海谷治彦, 鹫崎弘宜, 熊英飞, 胡振江, 吉岡信和. Enforcing a Security Pattern in Stakeholder Goal Models. In QoP'08: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Quality of Protection, co-located with CCS-2008, Alexandria VA, USA, pages 9-14, 2008年10月. [全文]

Technical Reports

[GRACETR08b] 宋晖, 熊英飞, 胡振江, 黄罡, 梅宏. A Model-Driven Framework for Constructing Runtime Architecture Infrastructures. Technical Report GRACE-TR-2008-05, Center for Global Research in Advanced Software Science and Engineering, National Institute of Informatics, Japan, 2008年12月. [全文][Bib]
[GRACETR08a] 熊英飞, 赵海燕, 胡振江, 武市正人, 宋晖, 梅宏. Beanbag: Operation-based Synchronization with Intra-relations. Technical Report GRACE-TR-2008-04, Center for Global Research in Advanced Software Science and Engineering, National Institute of Informatics, Japan, 2008年12月. [全文][Bib]
[METR08] 熊英飞, 胡振江, 武市正人, 赵海燕, 梅宏. On-Site Synchronization of Software Artifacts. Technical Report METR 2008-21, Department of Mathematical Informatics, University of Tokyo, 2008年4月. [全文]


International Conference - Research Track

[ASE07] 熊英飞, 刘东喜, 胡振江, 赵海燕, 武市正人, 梅宏. Towards Automatic Model Synchronization from Model Transformations. In ASE'07: Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Atlanta, Georgia, pages 164-173, 2007年11月. [全文][胶片][Bib]

Domestic Conference

[JSSST07] 刘东喜, 中野圭介, 林康史, 胡振江, 武市正人, 森畑明昌, 熊英飞. Bi-X Core: A General-Purpose Bidirectional Transformation Language. 日本ソフトウェア科学会第24回大会, 日本奈良先端科学技術大学院大学, 2C-3, 2007年9月. [全文][Bib]
[ISPJ07] 熊英飞, 胡振江, 刘东喜, 赵海燕, 梅宏, 武市正人. Realizing Bidirectional Graph Transformations From Bidirectional Tree Transformations. 日本情報処理学会第69回全国大会 (IPSJ'07), 早稲田大学大久保キャンパス, 2007年3月. [全文]


[GTTSE07a] 熊英飞, 刘东喜, 胡振江, 武市正人. A Bidirectional Transformation Approach towards Automatic Model Synchronization. In GTTSE'07: (informal) Proceedings of the 2nd Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering, pages 359–360, 2007年7月. [全文]
[GTTSE07b] 刘东喜, 熊英飞, 胡振江, 武市正人. Bi-CQ: A Bidirectional Code Query Language. In GTTSE'07: (informal) Proceedings of the 2nd Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering, pages 348–349, 2007年7月.


Technical Reports

[METR06] 胡振江#, 刘东喜#, 梅宏#, 武市正人#, 熊英飞#, 赵海燕#. A Compositional Approach to Bidirectional Model Transformation. Technical Report METR 2006-54, Department of Mathematical Informatics, University of Tokyo, 2006年10月. [全文]



[WAOSD04] 熊英飞, 万峰. CCC: An Aspect-Oriented Intermediate Language on .Net Platform. In WOSD'04: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, pages 44-58, 2004年9月. [全文][胶片]


[BEngThesis] 熊英飞. 语言独立的面向方面扩展的设计与实现. 本科毕业论文, 电子科技大学, 2004年7月. [全文]

论文总数: 138

