The Annual Conference on Software Analysis, Testing and Evolution
Nov. 23rd, 2018
Shenzhen, Guangdong
The English proceedings can be accessed during the conference period via this link. The Chinese papers can be downloaded via this link.
08:30-10:00 L1-401 Keynote Speech |
Keynote Speech by Liqian Chen Keynote Speech by Zhenyu Chen Keynote Speech by Xuanzhe Liu |
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break |
10:20-12:00 L1-401 Analysis and Testing (Chinese Session) |
10:20-12:00 L1-405 Software Mining |
See the Chinese page for more information. |
What Strokes to Modify in the Painting? Code Changes Prediction for Object-Oriented Software. Dinan Zhang, Shizhan Chen, Qiang He, Zhiyong Feng and Keman Huang How Reliable Is Your Outsourcing Service for Data Mining? A Metamorphic Method for Verifying the Result Integrity. Jiewei Zhang, Xiaoyuan Xie and Zhiyi Zhang CMSuggester: Method Change Suggestion to Complement Multi-Entity Edits. Ye Wang, Na Meng and Hao Zhong Mining Function Call Sequence Patterns across Different Versions of the Project for Defect Detection. Zhanqi Cui, Xiang Chen, Yongmin Mu, Zhihua Zhang and Xu Ma |
12:00-13:45 Lunch |
13:45-15:00 L1-403 Program Repair |
13:45-15:00 L1-405 Testing and Monitoring |
Which Defect Should Be Fixed First? Semantic Prioritization of Static Analysis Report. Han Wang, Min Zhou, Xi Cheng, Guang Chen and Ming Gu Software Bug Localization Based on Key Range Invariants. Lin Ma and Zuohua Ding Evaluating the Strategies of Statement Selection in Automated Program Repair. Deheng Yang, Yuhua Qi and Xiaoguang Mao |
Parallel Reachability Testing Based on Hadoop MapReduce. Xiaofang Qi and Yueran Li An Automated Test Suite Generating Approach for Stateful Web Services. Yin Li, Zhiguang Sun and Tingting Jiang Transient Fault Detection and Recovery Mechanisms in μC/OS-II. Chengrui He, Li Zhang, Gang Wang, Ziqi Zhen and Lei Wang |
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break |
15:30-17:10 L1-403 Software Mining (Chinese Session) |
15:30-16:45 L1-405 Program Analysis |
See the Chinese page for more information. |
Evaluating and Integrating Diverse Bug Finders for Effective Program Analysis. Bailin Lu, Wei Dong, Liangze Yin and Li Zhang Recognizing potential runtime types from Python Docstrings. Yang Luo, Wanwangying Ma, Yanhui Li, Zhifei Chen and Lin Chen An Empirical Study of Dynamic Types for Python Projects. Xinmeng Xia, Xincheng He, Yanyan Yan, Lei Xu and Baowen Xu |