[FM24] | 孙奕灿, 吉如一, 房建, 蒋轩林, 陈明帅, 熊英飞*.
Proving Functional Program Equivalence via Directed Lemma Synthesis.
FM'24: 26th International Symposium on Formal Methods,
[全文] |
[PLDI24] | 吉如一, 赵雨薇, Nadia Polikarpova, 熊英飞*, 胡振江.
Superfusion: Eliminating Intermediate Data Structures via Inductive Synthesis.
PLDI'24: ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation,
[全文][Online Demo] |
[ICSE24] | 朱琪豪, 梁清源, 孙泽宇, 熊英飞*, 张路, 程圣宇.
GrammarT5: Grammar-Integrated Pretrained Encoder-Decoder Neural Model for Code.
ICSE'24: 46th International Conference on Software Engineering,
[全文] |
[OOPSLA23b] | 孙奕灿, 彭轩宇, 熊英飞*.
Synthesizing Efficient Memoization Algorithms.
OOPSLA'23: Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications,
[全文] |
[OOPSLA23a] | 吉如一, 孔朝哲, 熊英飞*, 胡振江.
Improving Oracle-Guided Inductive Synthesis by Efficient Question Selection.
OOPSLA'23: Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications,
[全文] |
[ISSRE23] | 王冠成, 吴宜谦, 朱琪豪, 熊英飞*, 张昕, 张路.
A Probabilistic Delta Debugging Approach for Abstract Syntax Trees.
ISSRE'23: the 34th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering,
[全文] |
[ASE23] | 张文杰, 王冠成, 陈俊洁, 熊英飞, 刘勇, 张路*.
OrdinalFix: Fixing Compilation Errors via Shortest-Path CFL Reachability with Attribute Checking.
ASE'23: 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering,
[ICSE23b] | 李林翼, 张煜皓, 任路遥, 熊英飞, 谢涛*.
Reliability Assurance for Deep Neural Network Architectures Against Numerical Defects.
ICSE'23: 45th International Conference on Software Engineering,
[ICSE23a] | 朱琪豪, 孙泽宇, 张文杰, 熊英飞*, 张路.
Tare: Type-Aware Neural Program Repair.
ICSE'23: 45th International Conference on Software Engineering,
[全文] |
[OOPSLA22] | 邹达明, 顾宇晨, 石元峰, Mingzhe Wang, 熊英飞, 苏振东.
Oracle-Free Repair Synthesis for Floating-Point Programs.
OOPSLA'22: the OOPSLA issue of the Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL),
[全文] |
[ASE22] | 张云帆, 朱睿冬, 熊英飞*, 谢涛.
Efficient Synthesis of Method Call Sequences for Test Generation and Bounded Verification.
ASE'22: 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering,
[全文] |
[IJCAI22a] | 朱琪豪, 孙泽宇, 张文杰, 熊英飞*, 张路.
Grape: Grammar Preserving Rule Embedding.
IJCAI'22: 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
[全文] |
[IJCAI22b] | 梁清源, 孙泽宇, 朱琪豪, 张文杰, 郁莲, 熊英飞, 张路*.
Lyra: A Benchmark for Turducken-Style Code Generation.
IJCAI'22: 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
[全文] |
[ICSE22a] | 曾沐焓#, 吴宜谦#, 叶振涛, 熊英飞*, 张昕, 张路.
Fault Localization via Efficient Probabilistic Modeling of Program Semantics.
ICSE'22: 44th International Conference on Software Engineering,
[全文] |
[ICSE22b] | 孙泽宇, 张洁*, 熊英飞, Mark Harman, Mike Papadakis, 张路.
Improving Machine Translation Systems via Isotopic Replacement.
ICSE'22: 44th International Conference on Software Engineering,
[全文] |
[AAAI22] | 孙泽宇, 张文杰, 牟力立, 朱琪豪, 熊英飞, 张路.
Preferential Labeling for Unattributed Node Classification in GNNs.
AAAI'22: 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
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[ASE21] | 王博#, 卢思睿#, 熊英飞*, 刘峰.
Faster Mutation Analysis with Fewer Processes and Smaller Overheads.
ASE'21: 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering,
[全文] |
[OOPSLA21] | 吉如一, 夏景涛, 熊英飞*, 胡振江.
Generalizable Synthesis Through Unification.
OOPSLA'21: Object Oriented Programming Languages, Systems and Applications,
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[SAS21] | 陈逸凡, 杨晨阳, 张昕*, 熊英飞, 唐浩, 王啸吟, 张路.
Accelerating Program Analyses in Datalog by Merging Library Facts.
SAS'21: International Static Analysis Symposium,
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[ICSME21] | 梁晶晶, 吉如一, 姜佳君, 周抒睿, 娄一翎, 熊英飞*, 黄罡.
Interactive Patch Filtering as Debugging Aid.
ICSME'21: 37th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution,
[全文] IEEE TCSE杰出论文奖 |
[FSE21b] | 朱琪豪, 孙泽宇, 肖元安, 张文杰, 袁康, 熊英飞*, 张路.
A Syntax-Guided Edit Decoder for Neural Program Repair.
ESEC/FSE'21: ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering,
[数据更新版本] ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖提名 |
[FSE21a] | 王冠成#, 沈若冰#, 陈俊洁, 熊英飞*, 张路.
Probabilistic Delta Debugging.
ESEC/FSE'21: ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering,
[全文] ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖 |
[ICST21] | 李夏, 姜佳君*, Samuel Benton, 熊英飞, 张令明.
A Large-scale Study on API Misuses in the Wild.
ICST'21: IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation,
[OOPSLA20] | 吉如一, 孙奕灿, 熊英飞*, 胡振江.
Guiding Dynamic Programming via Structural Probability for Accelerating Programming by Example.
OOPSLA'20: Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications 2020,
[全文][视频(国内)][视频(海外)] |
[FSE20] | 张煜皓, 任路遥, 陈立前, 熊英飞*, 張成志, 谢涛.
Detecting Numerical Bugs in Neural Network Architectures.
ESEC/FSE'20: ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering,
[全文][视频(国内)][视频(海外)] ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖 |
[ASE20] | 朱琪豪, 孙泽宇, 梁汐然, 熊英飞*, 张路.
OCoR: An Overalpping-Aware Code Retriever.
ASE'20: 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering,
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[IJCAI20] | 张文杰, 孙泽宇, 朱琪豪, 李戈, 蔡少伟, 熊英飞, 张路*.
NLocalSAT: Boosting Local Search with Solution Prediction.
IJCAI'20: 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
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[PLDI20] | 吉如一, 梁晶晶, 熊英飞*, 张路, 胡振江.
Question Selection for Interactive Program Synthesis.
PLDI'20: 41st ACM-SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design and Implementation,
[全文][视频(国内)][视频(海外)] |
[SANER20] | 张兆旭#, 朱恒成#, 文明, Yida Tao, 刘烨庞*, 熊英飞.
How Do Python Framework APIs Evolve? An Exploratory Study.
SANER'20: 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering,
[AAAI20] | 孙泽宇, 朱琪豪, 熊英飞*, 孙奕灿, 牟力立, 张路.
TreeGen: A Tree-Based Transformer Architecture for Code Generation.
AAAI'20: Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
[全文] 口头报告 |
[POPL20] | 邹达明, 曾沐焓, 熊英飞*, Zhoulai Fu, 张路, 苏振东.
Detecting Floating-Point Errors via Atomic Conditions.
POPL'20: 47th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
[全文][视频(国内)][视频(海外)] |
[ASE19a] | 姜佳君, 任路遥, 熊英飞*, 张令明.
Inferring Program Transformations From Singular Examples via Big Code.
ASE'19: 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, San Diego, California, United States
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[ASE19b] | 陈俊洁, 王冠成, 郝丹*, 熊英飞*, 张洪宇, 张路.
History-Guided Configuration Diversification for Compiler Test-Program Generation.
ASE'19: 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, San Diego, California, United States
[全文] ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖 |
[ASE19c] | 姜佳君, 王然, 熊英飞*, 陈湘萍, 张路.
Combining Spectrum-Based Fault Localization and Statistical Debugging: An Empirical Study.
ASE'19: 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, San Diego, California, United States
[全文] |
[ISSRE19] | 梁晶晶, 侯耀宗, 周抒睿, 陈俊洁, 熊英飞*, 黄罡.
How to Explain a Patch: An Empirical Study of Patch Explanations in Open Source Projects.
ISSRE'19: The 30th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Berlin, Germany,
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[AAAI19] | 孙泽宇, 朱琪豪, 牟力立, 熊英飞*, 李戈, 张路.
A Grammar-Based Structural CNN Decoder for Code Generation.
AAAI'19: Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
[全文][量子位][机器之心] |
[ICSME18] | 悦茹茹, 郜哲, 孟娜, 熊英飞*, 王啸吟, David Morgenthaler.
Automatic Clone Recommendation for Refactoring Based on the Present and the Past .
ICSME'18: 34th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution,
[全文] |
[ISSTA18a] | 姜佳君, 熊英飞*, 张洪宇, 高庆, 陈向群.
Shaping Program Repair Space with Existing Patches and Similar Code.
ISSTA'18: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis,
[全文][Tool:SimFix] |
[ISSTA18b] | 张煜皓, 陈逸凡, 張成志, 熊英飞*, 张路.
An Empirical Study on TensorFlow Program Bugs.
ISSTA'18: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis,
[全文] |
[ICSE18a] | 熊英飞, 刘鑫远#, 曾沐焓#, 张路*, 黄罡.
Identifying Patch Correctness in Test-Based Program Repair.
ICSE'18: 40th International Conference on Software Engineering, Gothenburg, Sweden,
[全文][Long Version][Slides] |
[ICSE18b] | 周抒睿, Ştefan Stănciulescu, Olaf Leßenich, 熊英飞, Andrzej Wąsowski, Christian Kästner.
Identifying Features in Forks.
ICSE'18: 40th International Conference on Software Engineering, Gothenburg, Sweden,
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[Interwa17] | 成羽丰, 王萌, 熊英飞*, 吴争锴, 吴逸鸣, 张路.
Un-preprocessing: Extended CPP that works with your tools.
Internetware'17: 9th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware, Shanghai, China, pages 21-30,
[全文] 被邀请投稿到期刊 |
[ESEM17] | 黄袁, Qiaoyang Zheng, 陈湘萍*, 熊英飞, 刘志勇, 罗笑南.
Mining Version Control System for Automatically Generating Commit Comment.
ESEM'17: 11th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, Toronto, Canada,
[ISSTA17] | 王博, 熊英飞*, 史杨勍惟, 张路, 郝丹.
Faster Mutation Analysis via Equivalence Modulo States.
ISSTA'17: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, pages 295-306,
[全文][胶片][CoRR Version] ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖 |
[ICSE17a] | 熊英飞, 王杰, 严润发, 章嘉晨, 韩石, 黄罡*, 张路.
Precise Condition Synthesis for Program Repair.
ICSE'17: 39th International Conference on Software Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
[全文][胶片][工具][技术报告版本(较长)][软工研究与实践][AI头条][微软研究院博客][量子位][机器之心] |
[ICSE17b] | 陈俊洁, 白彦威, 郝丹#, 熊英飞#*, 张洪宇#, 谢冰.
Learning to Prioritize Test Programs for Compiler Testing.
ICSE'17: 39th International Conference on Software Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
[全文] |
[ESOP17] | 唐浩, 王迪, 熊英飞*, 张令明, 王啸吟, 张路.
Conditional Dyck-CFL Reachability Analysis for Complete and Efficient Library Summarization.
ESOP'17: 26th European Symposium on Programming, Uppsala, Sweden,
[全文][工具] |
[FSE16] | 王然, 邹达明, 贺心蕊, 熊英飞*, 张路, 黄罡.
Detecting and Fixing Precision-Specific Operations for Measuring Floating-Point Errors.
FSE'16: 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, pp. 619-630, Seatle, WA, USA,
[全文][源码和数据][软工研究与实践] |
[ECOOP16] | 汪成龙#, 姜佳君#, 李军#, 熊英飞*, 罗翔宇, 张路, 胡振江.
Transforming programs between APIs with Many-to-Many Mappings.
ECOOP'16: 30th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, pp. 25:1-25:26, Rome, Italy,
[全文][工具] |
[ICSE16] | 陈俊洁, 胡文翔, 郝丹#*, 熊英飞#, 张洪宇#, 张路, 谢冰.
An Empirical Comparison of Compiler Testing Techniques.
ICSE'16: 38th International Conference on
Software Engineering, pp. 180-190, Austin, Texas, USA,
[全文][实验数据][软工研究与实践] |
[ICST16a] | 成羽丰, 王萌, 熊英飞*, 郝丹, 张路.
Empirical Evaluation of Test Coverage for Functional Programs.
ICST'16: IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verificationa and Validation (the posted version corrects some data representation errors in the published version), pp. 255-265, Chicago, IL, USA,
[错误更正版][实验数据] |
[ICST16b] | 陈俊洁, 白彦威, 郝丹#*, 熊英飞#, 张洪宇#, 张路, 谢冰.
Test Case Prioritization for Compilers: a Text-Vector Based Approach.
ICST'16: IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verificationa and Validation, pp. 266-277, Chicago, IL, USA,
[全文] |
[ASE15] | 高庆, 张汉生, 王杰, 熊英飞*, 张路, 梅宏.
Fixing Recurring Crash Bugs via Analyzing Q&A Sites.
ASE'15: 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Automated Software Engineering, pages 307-318, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA,
[全文][工具] |
[ICSE15b] | 邹达明, 王然, 熊英飞*, 张路, 苏振东, 梅宏.
A Genetic Algorithm for Detecting Significant Floating-Point Inaccuracies.
ICSE'15: 37th International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 529-539, Florence, Italy,
[全文][实验数据] ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖入围 |
[ICSE15a] | 高庆, 熊英飞*, 米亚晴, 张路, 杨纬坤, 周钊平, 谢冰, 梅宏.
Safe Memory-Leak Fixing for C Programs.
ICSE'15: 37th International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 459-470, Florence, Italy,
[全文][工具] |
[Interwa14] | 武义涵, 宋晖, 熊英飞, 郑子彬, 张颖, 黄罡.
Model Defined Fault Tolerance in Cloud.
In Internetware'14: the Sixth Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware, pages 116-119, Hong Kong, China,
[ASE14] | 张洁, 陈俊洁, 郝丹, 熊英飞, 谢冰*, 张路, 梅宏.
Search-Based Inference of Polynomial Metamorphic
In ASE'14: 29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, pp 701-712, Vasteras, Sweden,
[全文] |
[ICSME14] | 黄柱彬, 熊英飞, 张洪宇, 郝丹, 张路, 梅宏.
Boosting Bug-Report-Oriented Fault Localization with Segmentation and Stack-Trace Analysis.
In ICSME'14: 30th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, pages 181-190, Victoria, Canada,
[全文][胶片] |
[SPLC13] | 王波, Leonardo Passos, 熊英飞*, Krzysztof Czarnecki, 赵海燕, 张伟.
SmartFixer: Fixing Software Configurations based on Self-adaptive Priorities.
In SPLC'13: Proceedings of 17th International Software Product Line Conference, pp. 257-271, Tokyo, Japan,
[全文][胶片] |
[FSE12] | 王啸吟, 张路*, 谢涛, 熊英飞, 梅宏.
Automating Presentation Changes in Dynamic Web Applications via Collaborative Hybrid Analysis.
In FSE'12: 20th International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 16:1-16:11,
[全文][胶片] |
[ICSM12] | 宋晖, 黄罡*, 熊英飞, 孙艳春.
Inferring the Data Access from the Clients of Generic APIs.
In ICSM'12: 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, pages 388--397, Riva del Garda, Italy,
[全文] |
[ICSE12] | 熊英飞, Arnaud Hubaux, Steven She, Krzysztof Czarnecki.
Generating Range Fixes for Software Configuration.
In ICSE'12: Proceedings of 34th International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 89-99, Zurich, Switzerland,
[全文][胶片][Teaser Video (Download)][Teaser Video (Online)] |
[MODELS11a] | Zinovy Diskin#, 熊英飞#, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Hartmut Ehrig#, Frank Hermann#, Fernando Orejas#.
From State- to Delta-based Bidirectional Model Transformations: the Symmetric Case.
MODELS'11: ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, pages 304-318,
[全文] MODELS最有影响力论文奖 |
[MODELS11b] | Frank Hermann, Hartmut Ehrig, Fernando Orejas, Krzysztof Czarnecki#, Zinovy Diskin#, 熊英飞#.
Correctness of Model Synchronization Based on Triple Graph Grammars.
MODELS'11: ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, pages 668-682,
[全文] 被邀请投稿到期刊 |
[MODELS10a] | 宋晖, 黄罡, 熊英飞, Franck Chauvel, 孙艳春, 梅宏.
Inferring Meta-Models for Runtime System Data from the Clients of Management APIs.
In MODELS'10: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Part II, 168-182,
[全文] |
[MODELS10b] | 王波, 熊英飞, 胡振江, 赵海燕, 张伟, 梅宏.
A Dynamic-Priority based Approach to Fixing Inconsistent Feature Models.
In MODELS'10: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Part I, 181-195,
[全文][胶片] |
[ICMT10] | Zinovy Diskin#, 熊英飞#, Krzysztof Czarnecki.
From State- to Delta-Based Bidirectional Model Transformations.
In ICMT'10: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Model Transformation, pages 61-76,
[全文][胶片] 被邀请投稿到期刊 |
[FSE09] | 熊英飞, 胡振江, 赵海燕, 宋晖, 武市正人, 梅宏.
Supporting Automatic Model Inconsistency Fixing.
In ESEC/FSE'09: Proceedings of 7th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 315-324,
[全文][胶片][Bib] |
[ICMT09] | 熊英飞, 宋晖, 胡振江, 武市正人.
Supporting Parallel Updates with Bidirectional Model Transformations.
In ICMT'09: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Model Transformation, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, pages 213-228,
[全文][胶片][Bib] 被邀请投稿到期刊 |
[ASE07] | 熊英飞, 刘东喜, 胡振江, 赵海燕, 武市正人, 梅宏.
Towards Automatic Model Synchronization from Model Transformations.
In ASE'07: Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Atlanta, Georgia, pages 164-173,
[全文][胶片][Bib] |